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Chat Log for [MiA] Freon 2 - v 3SPNv3225PIG and iCTF - CTF-Nowheretohide-RezQ-Remix-Fx
on Thu, Feb 06 2025 at 10:24:15 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.12 Plassy Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.10 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.10 Brutalis Team Change to Blue Team
0.10 Virus Team Change to Red Team
0.15 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.15 Cleopatra Team Change to Blue Team
0.23 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.25 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.28 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.34 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.34 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.49 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.57 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.58 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.65 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.67 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.72 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.77 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.81 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.89 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
0.89 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.94 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
0.95 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.03 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.06 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.11 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.28 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.28 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.31 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.35 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.39 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.40 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.42 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.45 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.47 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.53 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.62 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.65 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
1.70 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.75 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.78 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.80 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.86 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.93 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
1.98 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.02 Red Team Captured Flag!
2.05 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.11 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.13 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.18 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.21 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.24 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.33 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.42 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.44 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.45 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.48 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.55 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.58 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.66 Red Team Captured Flag!
2.68 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.73 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.77 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
2.79 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.84 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.87 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
2.99 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.00 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.11 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.17 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.19 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.22 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.26 Virus Headshot Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockHeadShot_Red
3.32 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.33 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.35 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.36 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.44 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.44 Red Team Captured Flag!
3.46 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.49 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.56 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.59 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.62 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.67 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.69 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.78 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
3.81 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.85 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.89 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.95 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
3.95 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.02 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.05 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.06 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.09 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.09 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.16 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.17 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.24 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.26 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.33 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.38 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.44 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.52 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.54 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.63 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.67 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.71 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.79 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
4.82 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.87 Virus Headshot Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockHeadShot_Red
4.88 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
4.99 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.02 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.06 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.07 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.11 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.21 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.23 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.24 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.27 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.34 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.38 Cleopatra Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.40 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.42 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.43 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.44 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.52 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.56 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.58 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.71 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.74 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.76 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.82 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.83 Plassy Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.85 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
5.92 Plassy Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
5.98 Brutalis Killed Virus with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
6.06 Virus Killed Cleopatra with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
6.06 Brutalis Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
6.08 Virus Killed Brutalis with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Red
6.13 Cleopatra Killed Plassy with a DamTypeQShockBeam_Blue
6.13 Red Team Captured Flag!
6.13 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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