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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-Interstate-75-RezQ-Rev3
on Wed, Jan 29 2025 at 7:49:36 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.39 Xee Team Change to Blue Team
-0.39 PlayerZet Team Change to Red Team
-0.35 pishach Team Change to Blue Team
-0.34 Picasol Team Change to Red Team
-0.31 Sling Team Change to Blue Team
-0.31 David Team Change to Red Team
-0.31 Lao* Team Change to Red Team
-0.30 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Team Change to Blue Team
-0.29 cn? Team Change to Red Team
-0.27 EL_ROMPECULOS Team Change to Blue Team
-0.25 Scofieldd Team Change to Red Team
-0.21 ihatethisgame Team Change to Blue Team
-0.18 RandomPerson189 Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 cn? Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Scofieldd Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 PlayerZet Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 pishach Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.03 Scofieldd Suicided
0.03 Scofieldd Disconnected
0.11 MARK42 Team Change to Red Team
0.19 EL_ROMPECULOS Disconnected
0.23 MARK42 Died from an Unknown Weapon
0.23 Drekorig Suicided
0.23 Wraith Suicided
0.23 MARK42 Team Change to Red Team
0.23 Drekorig Team Change to Blue Team
0.23 Wraith Team Change to Blue Team
0.23 Drekorig Disconnected
0.23 Wraith Disconnected
0.33 Picasol Suicided
0.33 Picasol Disconnected
0.39 Lao* Killed Sling with a DamTypeIFAVRoadkill
0.41 pishach Suicided with a Flak Cannon
0.48 Sling Killed Kragoth with a Shock Rifle
0.48 Kragoth Team Change to Red Team
0.61 MARK42 Killed RandomPerson189 with a HellBender Side Turret
0.70 ihatethisgame Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
0.72 Kragoth Killed Xee with a Rocket Launcher
0.84 ihatethisgame Killed pishach with a Rocket Launcher
0.90 Sling Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
0.91 Xee Suicided with a Shock Rifle
0.97 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Sling with a Shock Rifle
1.05 David Suicided with an Exploding Barrel
1.06 Lao* Killed PlayerZet with a Manta
1.09 MARK42 Killed RandomPerson189 with a HellBender Side Turret
1.14 Atriox Team Change to Red Team
1.21 Kragoth Suicided
1.21 Kragoth Disconnected
1.22 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
1.24 MARK42 Killed Atriox with a HellBender Side Turret
1.24 JP Team Change to Blue Team
1.35 pishach Killed Xee with a Mine Layer
1.38 PlayerZet Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
1.40 cn? Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
1.41 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
1.46 David Killed Sling with a Shock Rifle
1.55 cn? Fell to their death
1.56 PlayerZet Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
1.59 Russ Team Change to Red Team
1.59 Zarina Suicided
1.59 Zarina Team Change to Red Team
1.59 Zarina Disconnected
1.79 RandomPerson189 Killed Sling with a Shock Rifle
1.82 Russ Killed Xee with a Rocket Launcher
1.85 cn? Killed Atriox with a Flak Cannon
1.86 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed cn? with a Minigun
1.93 PlayerZet Killed Lao* with an Assault Rifle
2.08 Lao* Killed JP with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.12 ihatethisgame Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
2.15 MARK42 Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a HellBender Side Turret
2.22 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed MARK42 with a Link Gun
2.24 cn? Carjacked a HellBender
2.25 JP Suicided with a Manta
2.25 JP Killed David with a Manta
2.33 David Carjacked a Manta
2.36 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
2.40 PlayerZet Killed RandomPerson189 with an Assault Rifle
2.40 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Sling with a Shock Rifle
2.42 David Headshot JP with a Manta
2.44 Atriox Headshot cn? with a Manta
2.48 Sling Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
2.48 Russ Killed ihatethisgame with a Link Gun
2.58 Red Team Captured Flag!
2.61 pishach Suicided with a Mine Layer
2.64 Atriox Killed Karag with a Shock Rifle
2.64 Karag Team Change to Blue Team
2.66 EL_ROMPECULOS Suicided with a Shock Rifle
2.66 Sling Disconnected
2.73 EL_ROMPECULOS Died from an Unknown Weapon
2.73 Karag Suicided
2.73 Lilith Suicided
2.73 EL_ROMPECULOS Team Change to Red Team
2.73 Lilith Team Change to Blue Team
2.73 Karag Disconnected
2.73 Lilith Disconnected
2.74 RandomPerson189 Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
2.79 cn? Carjacked a Manta
2.79 Atriox Carjacked a Manta
2.81 Xee Killed Lao* with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.82 Xee Killed pishach with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.91 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a Manta
2.94 Xee Killed pishach with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.95 Atriox Headshot PlayerZet with a Manta
2.97 David Killed cn? with a Mine Layer
2.99 Xee Killed RandomPerson189 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
3.01 ihatethisgame Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
3.07 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
3.07 Lao* Suicided with a Mine Layer
3.11 Xee Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
3.21 David Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
3.22 cn? Killed David with a Mine Layer
3.25 cn? Suicided with a Mine Layer
3.25 Russ Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.32 cn? Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
3.38 PlayerZet Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
3.39 Russ Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Link Gun
3.40 Blue Team Captured Flag!
3.46 ihatethisgame Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
3.47 JP Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
3.50 Russ Died from a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
3.51 RandomPerson189 Killed cn? with a Minigun
3.52 ihatethisgame Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
3.55 PlayerZet Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
3.64 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
3.68 David Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
3.70 Lao* Killed MARK42 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
3.73 Atriox Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
3.74 pishach Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
3.77 Atriox Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
3.79 PlayerZet Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
3.84 cn? Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
3.86 David Carjacked a Manta
3.89 JP Killed Atriox with a HellBender Side Turret
3.89 ihatethisgame Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
3.94 David Headshot ihatethisgame with a Manta
3.97 Lao* Carjacked a ONS_TDSedan
4.00 RandomPerson189 Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
4.00 ihatethisgame Killed David with a Shock Rifle
4.14 Xee Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
4.23 PlayerZet Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
4.31 ihatethisgame Killed David with a Shock Rifle
4.35 pishach Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
4.36 ihatethisgame Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
4.39 Atriox Killed Xee with a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
4.47 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.47 JP Carjacked a Manta
4.48 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.49 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Russ with a Mine Layer
4.50 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
4.57 PlayerZet Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
4.58 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
4.63 RandomPerson189 Killed MARK42 with a Rocket Launcher
4.67 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
4.70 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
4.73 PlayerZet Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
4.73 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.85 cn? Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
4.89 PlayerZet Killed Russ with a Rocket Launcher
4.92 MARK42 Killed RandomPerson189 with a HellBender Side Turret
4.95 MARK42 Killed RandomPerson189 with a HellBender Side Turret
4.96 cn? Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
4.97 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Carjacked a Manta
4.99 pishach Killed Xee with a Flak Cannon
5.07 Atriox Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
5.07 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed PlayerZet with a Shock Rifle
5.09 Spiri Team Change to Blue Team
5.09 pishach Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
5.11 pishach Suicided with a Shock Rifle
5.14 Atriox Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
5.15 RandomPerson189 Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
5.24 JP Suicided with a Mine Layer
5.24 pishach Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
5.25 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed RandomPerson189 with a Rocket Launcher
5.28 Lao* Killed JP with a HellBender
5.30 Atriox Killed Spiri with a Flak Cannon
5.34 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.43 Xee Killed David with a DamTypeIFAVRoadkill
5.48 Xee Killed pishach with a DamTypeM240D
5.54 PlayerZet Disconnected
5.59 Xee Killed pishach with a DamTypeM240D
5.60 David Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
5.61 Rae Suicided
5.61 Kaela Suicided
5.61 Rae Team Change to Red Team
5.61 Kaela Team Change to Blue Team
5.61 Rae Disconnected
5.61 Kaela Disconnected
5.62 cn? Carjacked a ONS_TDSedan
5.63 MANTRID Team Change to Blue Team
5.67 EL_ROMPECULOS Carjacked a HellBender
5.68 ihatethisgame Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
5.74 JP Killed RandomPerson189 with a DamTypeM240D
5.78 David Killed Xee with a Manta
5.79 Spiri Killed Atriox with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
5.82 JP Killed David with a DamTypeM240D
5.83 MANTRID Suicided
5.83 MANTRID Disconnected
5.83 Annika Suicided
5.83 Lao* Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
5.83 Annika Team Change to Red Team
5.83 Gaargod Team Change to Blue Team
5.83 Annika Disconnected
5.83 Gaargod Disconnected
5.87 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed pishach with a HellBender Side Turret
5.91 Xee Carjacked a HoverBadger
5.94 Atriox Killed JP with a Manta
6.00 Xee Killed Lao* with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.06 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
6.08 pishach Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
6.09 Atriox Killed Spiri with a Shock Rifle
6.10 Xee Killed Atriox with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.23 Spiri Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
6.33 David Fell to their death
6.34 Atriox Killed MARK42 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.38 Xee Killed Lao* with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.40 ihatethisgame Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
6.52 Spiri Headshot Lao* with a Manta
6.55 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed pishach with a Rocket Launcher
6.55 RandomPerson189 Suicided with a Flak Cannon
6.58 cn? Killed Russ with a DamTypeM240D
6.60 David Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
6.68 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
6.72 ihatethisgame Killed David with a Shock Rifle
6.74 Atriox Killed JP with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.76 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed cn? with a Link Gun
6.81 Atriox Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.86 cn? Carjacked a HellBender
6.88 Xee Killed Russ with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.88 JP Carjacked a Manta
6.99 ihatethisgame Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
6.99 Xee Killed Russ with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.05 cn? Carjacked a HoverBadger
7.07 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
7.07 Russ Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
7.09 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
7.11 Atriox Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
7.21 cn? Killed pishach with a Flak Cannon
7.28 Spiri Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
7.30 cn? Killed Lao* with a Flak Cannon
7.34 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
7.34 Atriox Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
7.38 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Suicided with a Shield Gun
7.49 David Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
7.54 JP Killed Atriox with a HellBender Side Turret
7.55 cn? Killed Lao* with an Assault Rifle
7.58 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Spiri with a Shock Rifle
7.62 ihatethisgame Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
7.62 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Player 2 with a Shock Rifle
7.70 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
7.73 EL_ROMPECULOS Suicided with a Shield Gun
7.73 JP Killed David with a Rocket Launcher
7.79 Xee Killed Barktooth with a Shock Rifle
7.79 Barktooth Team Change to Red Team
7.81 pishach Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
7.82 ihatethisgame Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
7.94 David Killed JP with a Link Gun
7.99 Xee Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
8.08 Atriox Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
8.15 Lao* Killed Spiri with a DamTypeM240D
8.15 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
8.18 Russ Killed Xee with a Link Gun
8.23 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Player 2 with a Mine Layer
8.25 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
8.27 cn? Killed pishach with a Flak Cannon
8.28 Atriox Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
8.32 Xee Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
8.42 JP Killed David with a Mine Layer
8.44 Lao* Killed Xee with a DamTypeM240D
8.54 Xee Killed pishach with a Destroyed Vehicle
8.57 Atriox Killed Player 2 with a Rocket Launcher
8.60 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
8.61 Spiri Killed Atriox with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
8.62 Lao* Killed Xee with a Link Gun
8.65 cn? Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
8.72 EL_ROMPECULOS Knocked ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t off a ledge
8.73 Player 2 Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
8.80 JP Killed RandomPerson189 with a HellBender Side Turret
8.84 Player 2 Killed Barktooth with a Shock Rifle
8.88 Lao* Headshot MARK42 with a Manta
9.03 Player 2 Killed David with an Assault Rifle
9.05 Barktooth Killed ihatethisgame with a Flak Cannon
9.06 JP Killed Barktooth with a HellBender
9.07 Lao* Killed Player 2 with a Rocket Launcher
9.17 ihatethisgame Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
9.27 Player 2 Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
9.28 Spiri Carjacked a HoverBadger
9.35 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
9.36 MARK42 Killed Lao* with a Manta
9.37 Atriox Killed Spiri with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
9.43 RandomPerson189 Headshot EL_ROMPECULOS with a Manta
9.43 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Player 2 with a Shock Rifle
9.49 ihatethisgame Killed David with a Shock Rifle
9.51 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
9.55 JP Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
9.58 Player 2 Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
9.62 Spiri Killed pishach with a Link Gun
9.62 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
9.66 JP Carjacked a Manta
9.67 MARK42 Killed Lao* with a Rocket Launcher
9.68 Russ Killed Spiri with a Rocket Launcher
9.68 Player 2 Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
9.72 Atriox Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
9.78 Xee Killed David with a Shock Rifle
9.80 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
9.81 Blue Team Captured Flag!
9.84 Atriox Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
9.86 Atriox Killed Player 2 with a Shock Rifle
9.89 RandomPerson189 Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
9.93 Barktooth Killed MARK42 with a Shield Gun
9.95 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
10.01 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
10.07 ihatethisgame Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
10.09 Player 2 Killed RandomPerson189 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.09 Spiri Suicided with a Manta
10.17 JP Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
10.19 Atriox Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
10.20 ihatethisgame Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Vehicle Explosion
10.25 ihatethisgame Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
10.25 Russ Killed Player 2 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.28 David Died from a DamTypeIFAVRoadkill
10.42 Russ Killed MARK42 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.43 Xee Headshot pishach with a Manta
10.45 cHILLED_ Team Change to Red Team
10.45 Barktooth Suicided
10.45 Barktooth Disconnected
10.49 Atriox Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
10.52 Player 2 Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
10.52 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
10.56 Player 2 Killed David with a Shock Rifle
10.63 David Carjacked a Manta
10.72 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
10.75 Atriox Killed JP with a Shock Rifle
10.75 Spiri Suicided with a Flak Cannon
10.79 cHILLED_ Killed ihatethisgame with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.86 cHILLED_ Killed 7 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
10.88 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Mine Layer
10.95 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
10.96 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Lao* with a Mine Layer
10.98 7 Killed RandomPerson189 with a Shock Rifle
10.99 ihatethisgame Killed cHILLED_ with a Destroyed Vehicle
11.11 Lao* Killed Player 2 with a DamTypeM240D
11.12 RandomPerson189 Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
11.15 JP Died from a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
11.17 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a Shock Rifle
11.23 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Russ with a Mine Layer
11.23 Player 2 Killed cHILLED_ with a Shock Rifle
11.26 RandomPerson189 Killed Spiri with a Shock Rifle
11.29 Xee Headshot RandomPerson189 with a Manta
11.35 Lao* Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Mine Layer
11.37 pishach Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
11.41 ihatethisgame Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
11.45 Player 2 Killed Atriox with a Shock Rifle
11.46 Spiri Carjacked a ONS_TDSedan
11.48 RandomPerson189 Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
11.52 cHILLED_ Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
11.55 RandomPerson189 Killed cn? with a Shock Rifle
11.55 Lao* Killed MARK42 with a Shock Rifle
11.57 Atriox Killed JP with a Manta
11.59 Spiri Killed ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t with a DamTypeM240D
11.63 Player 2 Fell to their death
11.70 Atriox Killed Spiri with a Manta
11.70 cHILLED_ Killed ihatethisgame with a Mine Layer
11.75 Tarzan Team Change to Red Team
11.79 Xee Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
11.80 Atriox Killed MARK42 with a Manta
11.82 Komek Suicided
11.82 Komek Team Change to Red Team
11.82 Komek Disconnected
11.85 Xee Killed pishach with a Rocket Launcher
11.86 Atriox Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
11.92 pishach Killed 7 with a Shock Rifle
11.93 Spiri Headshot pishach with a Manta
11.95 Russ Killed Player 2 with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
11.95 Russ Killed Spiri with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
11.96 Atriox Killed ihatethisgame with a Shock Rifle
12.00 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed cHILLED_ with a Manta
12.03 Havxs Team Change to Blue Team
12.05 Atriox Killed Xee with a Shock Rifle
12.08 Player 2 Killed Lao* with a Shock Rifle
12.09 Russ Killed JP with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
12.12 Kindjal Team Change to Red Team
12.14 ul?t?r?a?v?i?o?l?e?t Killed Player 2 with a Shock Rifle
12.16 pishach Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Flak Cannon
12.17 Red Team Captured Flag!
12.17 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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