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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-Idleness
on Thu, Jan 23 2025 at 1:42:13 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.40 Changal Team Change to Blue Team
-0.27 ACAB!%$ Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Changal Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 ACAB!%$ Team Change to Blue Team
0.00 Game Start
0.14 ACAB!%$ Fell into Lava
0.40 Red Team Captured Flag!
0.40 ACAB!%$ Killed Changal with a Shock Rifle
0.51 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
0.68 Cyclops Team Change to Blue Team
0.70 Divisor Killed ACAB!%$ with a Rocket Launcher
0.70 Divisor Team Change to Red Team
0.88 ACAB!%$ Killed Changal with a Shock Rifle
1.04 Cyclops Killed Divisor with a Shock Rifle
1.04 Divisor Killed Cyclops with a Shock Rifle
1.13 Changal Fell into Lava
1.20 Blue Team Captured Flag!
1.31 Changal Fell into Lava
1.45 Divisor Killed ACAB!%$ with a Rocket Launcher
1.52 Changal Fell into Lava
1.64 Divisor Fell into Lava
1.67 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
1.82 Divisor Killed ACAB!%$ with a Raptor
1.92 Divisor Killed ACAB!%$ with a Raptor
2.00 Divisor Fell into Lava
2.02 Cyclops Fell into Lava
2.08 Red Team Captured Flag!
2.09 Changal Suicided
2.28 Changal Fell into Lava
2.42 Cyclops Killed Divisor with a Shock Rifle
2.45 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
2.82 Divisor Fell into Lava
2.83 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
3.02 Changal Fell into Lava
3.29 Changal Killed Cyclops with a Shock Rifle
3.30 ACAB!%$ Killed Changal with a Shock Rifle
3.52 Divisor Pushed ACAB!%$ into lava
3.59 ACAB!%$ Killed Changal with a Shock Rifle
3.63 Divisor Fell into Lava
3.75 ACAB!%$ Killed Divisor with a Shock Rifle
3.86 ACAB!%$ Fell into Lava
3.95 Cyclops Pushed Divisor into lava
4.01 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.18 Changal Fell into Lava
4.32 Cyclops Fell into Lava
4.61 ACAB!%$ Killed Divisor with a Shock Rifle
4.64 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
5.34 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
5.57 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.60 Cyclops Killed Divisor with a Link Gun
5.73 Changal Killed ACAB!%$ with a Shock Rifle
5.77 Cyclops Pushed Divisor into lava
5.94 Cyclops Fell into Lava
6.11 Red Team Captured Flag!
6.11 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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