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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-Deforestation-fix3
on Tue, Dec 31 2024 at 1:00:26 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.39 Talos_IV Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 Mjolnir Team Change to Red Team
-0.35 Grim_Fandango Team Change to Blue Team
-0.31 Splooosh Team Change to Red Team
-0.28 Tiger Team Change to Blue Team
-0.22 (..<[TORO]>..) Team Change to Red Team
-0.21 SaintHappening Team Change to Blue Team
-0.18 Bluecat77 Team Change to Red Team
-0.18 Ripleye Team Change to Blue Team
-0.17 UnFoRGiVeN Team Change to Red Team
-0.17 Plakatowy Team Change to Blue Team
-0.13 Saylar Team Change to Red Team
-0.12 FreedomWarrior Team Change to Red Team
-0.12 Flenser Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Talos_IV Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 FreedomWarrior Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Flenser Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Mjolnir Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Splooosh Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Tiger Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 (..<[TORO]>..) Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 SaintHappening Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.32 Flenser Killed Ripleye with a Link Gun
0.33 Bluecat77 Suicided
0.33 Bluecat77 Disconnected
0.36 SaintHappening Suicided with a Ran Over
0.39 Grim_Fandango Killed Tiger with a Raptor
0.42 Flenser Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
0.44 Splooosh Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
0.45 SaintHappening Suicided
0.45 SaintHappening Disconnected
0.45 FreedomWarrior Died from an Unknown Weapon
0.45 Divisor Suicided
0.45 FreedomWarrior Team Change to Red Team
0.45 Divisor Team Change to Red Team
0.45 Thannis Team Change to Blue Team
0.45 Divisor Disconnected
0.45 Thannis Disconnected
0.54 Splooosh Killed Flenser with a Goliath
0.57 Talos_IV Killed Grim_Fandango with a Raptor
0.58 Plakatowy Killed Saylar with a Manta
0.63 Splooosh Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
0.65 Saylar Killed Splooosh with a Link Gun
0.79 Tiger Carjacked a FlameBadger
0.81 SaintHappening Team Change to Red Team
0.95 Talos_IV Killed Ripleye with an Ion Cannon
1.06 Plakatowy Headshot UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
1.07 Tiger Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
1.09 Flenser Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
1.13 Saylar Carjacked a Manta
1.13 Tiger Killed Siren with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
1.13 Siren Team Change to Blue Team
1.16 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Tiger with a Link Gun
1.18 Splooosh Killed FreedomWarrior with a Shock Rifle
1.21 Blue Team Captured Flag!
1.27 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Shock Rifle
1.36 Saylar Suicided with a Shock Rifle
1.47 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
1.64 FreedomWarrior Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
1.78 Mjolnir Killed Siren with a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
1.84 Grim_Fandango Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Raptor
1.91 Flenser Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
1.96 Mjolnir Killed Saylar with a Shock Rifle
1.99 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
2.09 Plakatowy Headshot SaintHappening with a Manta
2.10 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed FreedomWarrior with a Manta
2.18 Plakatowy Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
2.18 Player 30 Team Change to Blue Team
2.20 Siren Suicided
2.20 Siren Disconnected
2.21 Saylar Killed Ripleye with a Raptor
2.24 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Raptor
2.31 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with an AVRiL
2.38 Ripleye Killed Flenser with a Paladin
2.45 FreedomWarrior Headshot Mjolnir with a Manta
2.48 Ripleye Killed Talos_IV with a Paladin
2.53 Ripleye Killed Tiger with a Paladin
2.60 Grim_Fandango Killed FreedomWarrior with a Goliath
2.60 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
2.72 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
2.75 (..<[TORO]>..) Suicided from Reckless Driving
2.81 Splooosh Headshot Talos_IV with a Manta
2.81 Splooosh Suicided with a Manta
2.91 Flenser Killed Plakatowy with a Lightning Gun
3.01 SaintHappening Carjacked a FlameBadger
3.13 Tiger Fell to their death
3.17 Fudge_(UK) Team Change to Red Team
3.28 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
3.35 Splooosh Killed Flenser with an Ion Cannon
3.36 Splooosh Killed Fudge_(UK) with an Ion Cannon
3.38 Player 30 Killed Talos_IV with a DamTypeMTIIPancake
3.42 Mjolnir Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Flak Cannon
3.45 FreedomWarrior Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
3.53 FreedomWarrior Killed Mjolnir with a Flak Cannon
3.55 SaintHappening Killed Kraagesh with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
3.55 Kraagesh Team Change to Blue Team
3.58 Splooosh Carjacked a NodArty
3.60 Talos_IV Killed Splooosh with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
3.61 Splooosh Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
3.63 Plakatowy Killed FreedomWarrior with a Manta
3.70 Fudge_(UK) Knocked (..<[TORO]>..) off a ledge
3.72 Fudge_(UK) Fell to their death
3.74 FreedomWarrior Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
3.74 Tiger Killed Splooosh with a Manta
3.74 SaintHappening Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
3.80 Grim_Fandango Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
3.80 Grim_Fandango Suicided with a Goliath
3.84 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeMTIIRoadkill
3.87 Saylar Suicided from Reckless Driving
3.91 Tiger Killed Splooosh with a DamTypeChainSawSlash
3.95 SaintHappening Killed Player 30 with a Shock Rifle
3.95 Mjolnir Killed Tiger with a DamTypeTAfire
4.00 UnFoRGiVeN Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Minigun
4.01 Player 30 Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Flak Cannon
4.02 Kraagesh Suicided
4.02 Kraagesh Disconnected
4.03 Blue Team Captured Flag!
4.18 Saylar Killed Zacky with a Paladin
4.25 Saylar Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Paladin
4.26 Saylar Killed Player 30 with a Paladin
4.26 Flenser Killed Plakatowy with an AVRiL
4.26 Grim_Fandango Carjacked a MTII
4.26 Mjolnir Killed Flenser with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
4.36 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
4.39 Splooosh Killed FreedomWarrior with a Goliath
4.42 Saylar Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
4.45 Saylar Killed Player 30 with a Paladin
4.49 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
4.49 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Zacky with a Goliath
4.54 Saylar Killed Splooosh with a Paladin
4.60 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Zacky with a Goliath
4.61 Tiger Killed Grim_Fandango with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
4.75 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with a Raptor
4.75 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Link Gun
4.82 Flenser Killed Ripleye with a Raptor
4.84 Tiger Killed Skrilax with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
4.84 Skrilax Team Change to Blue Team
4.91 Ripleye Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
4.94 Plakatowy Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
4.95 Skrilax Killed Saylar with a Rocket Launcher
5.06 Talos_IV Headshot Plakatowy with a Manta
5.11 Mjolnir Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
5.20 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Link Gun
5.22 duke Suicided with a Manta
5.27 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
5.27 Ripleye Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
5.29 Zacky Killed FreedomWarrior with a Manta
5.29 Fudge_(UK) Killed Skrilax with a Minigun
5.38 Talos_IV Killed Player 30 with a Manta
5.38 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
5.39 Saylar Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
5.42 Talos_IV Suicided from Reckless Driving
5.56 Splooosh Killed Saylar with a Raptor
5.57 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Mjolnir with a Goliath
5.66 Saylar Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
5.71 Mjolnir Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
5.73 Plakatowy Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
5.76 Saylar Killed Skrilax with a Shock Rifle
5.76 SaintHappening Killed Plakatowy with a Shock Rifle
5.78 Ripleye Killed Flenser with a Minigun
5.82 Talos_IV Killed Mjolnir with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
5.84 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Skrilax with a Goliath
5.85 Ripleye Killed FreedomWarrior with a Minigun
5.86 Splooosh Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Rocket Launcher
5.87 duke Killed Player 30 with a Flak Cannon
5.88 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
5.90 Ripleye Killed Saylar with a Minigun
5.97 Saylar Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
6.01 Talos_IV Killed Grim_Fandango with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.01 duke Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
6.08 Plakatowy Killed duke with a Shock Rifle
6.12 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
6.14 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Mjolnir with a Manta
6.15 Talos_IV Killed Plakatowy with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.20 Talos_IV Killed Skrilax with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.24 Tiger Headshot Mjolnir with a Manta
6.26 Talos_IV Killed Splooosh with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.32 FreedomWarrior Suicided
6.32 FreedomWarrior Disconnected
6.32 Talos_IV Killed Grim_Fandango with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.32 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
6.33 Memphis Team Change to Blue Team
6.33 Memphis Disconnected
6.35 Talos_IV Killed Splooosh with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.36 Skrilax Suicided
6.36 Dominator Suicided
6.36 Dominator Team Change to Red Team
6.36 Skrilax Disconnected
6.36 Dominator Disconnected
6.37 Zacky Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Shock Rifle
6.47 Player 30 Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
6.51 Talos_IV Killed Grim_Fandango with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.56 Ripleye Killed duke with a Goliath Minigun Turret
6.57 SaintHappening Carjacked a FlameBadger
6.63 Talos_IV Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.63 Talos_IV Killed Plakatowy with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.68 Saylar Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
6.70 Player 30 Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
6.70 SaintHappening Killed Grim_Fandango with a DamTypeFlameBadgerRoadkill
6.72 Splooosh Died from a Manta
6.73 duke Killed Mjolnir with a Manta
6.76 Player 30 Killed duke with a Goliath
6.77 Fudge_(UK) Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
6.79 Talos_IV Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.79 Plakatowy Died from a Manta
6.80 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
6.80 SaintHappening Killed Grim_Fandango with a DamTypeFlameBadgerRoadkill
6.81 UnFoRGiVeN Carjacked a Raptor
6.81 Flenser Suicided
6.81 Flenser Disconnected
6.82 duke Killed Player 30 with a Link Gun
6.84 Talos_IV Killed Zacky with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.89 Fudge_(UK) Killed Plakatowy with a Shock Rifle
6.89 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Rocket Launcher
6.93 Talos_IV Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.96 Mjolnir Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
6.98 Riker Team Change to Red Team
7.02 Talos_IV Killed Mjolnir with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
7.06 Flenser Team Change to Red Team
7.06 Flenser Disconnected
7.17 Red Team Captured Flag!
7.18 Fudge_(UK) Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Goliath
7.19 Talos_IV Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
7.29 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
7.29 UnFoRGiVeN Died from a Vehicle Explosion
7.33 Player 30 Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
7.34 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a Goliath
7.39 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a Goliath
7.45 Fudge_(UK) Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Goliath
7.45 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
7.50 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Manta
7.52 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a Goliath
7.56 Player 30 Suicided
7.56 Player 30 Disconnected
7.56 (..<[TORO]>..) Suicided with a Bio Rifle
7.58 Riker Suicided
7.58 Kane Team Change to Blue Team
7.58 Riker Disconnected
7.58 Kane Disconnected
7.61 SaintHappening Carjacked a Manta
7.61 UnFoRGiVeN Headshot Ripleye with a Manta
7.61 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Rocket Launcher
7.63 Splooosh Killed Tiger with a Rocket Launcher
7.64 Zacky Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
7.72 Splooosh Suicided with a Flak Cannon
7.74 Red Team Captured Flag!
8.00 Ripleye Killed SaintHappening with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.01 Ripleye Killed Tiger with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.02 Ripleye Killed Saylar with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.03 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed duke with a Manta
8.08 Talos_IV Killed Splooosh with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.14 Zacky Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
8.21 SaintHappening Killed Mjolnir with a Link Gun
8.21 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Link Gun
8.27 Grim_Fandango Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Raptor
8.27 Splooosh Killed Talos_IV with a Paladin
8.29 Blue Team Captured Flag!
8.30 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Manta
8.35 Grim_Fandango Killed Saylar with a Raptor
8.50 Saylar Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
8.54 Fudge_(UK) Died from a Scorpion
8.65 Zacky Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
8.66 Talos_IV Killed Plakatowy with a Goliath
8.69 Zacky Killed duke with a Goliath
8.70 Splooosh Killed Talos_IV with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
8.71 (..<[TORO]>..) Headshot Fudge_(UK) with a Manta
8.80 SaintHappening Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Raptor
8.84 UnFoRGiVeN Died from a Manta
8.85 Ripleye Carjacked a FlameBadger
8.86 Saylar Headshot Splooosh with a Manta
8.86 SaintHappening Killed Grim_Fandango with a Raptor
8.90 Zacky Killed Tiger with a Goliath
8.98 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
9.00 duke Knocked Guardian off a ledge
9.00 Guardian Team Change to Blue Team
9.01 Talos_IV Killed Mjolnir with a Goliath Minigun Turret
9.01 duke Killed Splooosh with a Paladin
9.07 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
9.13 Zacky Killed duke with a Goliath
9.19 Tiger Killed Ripleye with a Manta
9.21 Guardian Suicided with an AVRiL
9.26 SaintHappening Killed Plakatowy with a Raptor
9.30 Zacky Suicided with a Goliath
9.35 Splooosh Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
9.44 Talos_IV Knocked SaintHappening off a ledge
9.45 Fudge_(UK) Killed Splooosh with a Minigun
9.52 duke Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
9.53 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
9.55 Tiger Headshot (..<[TORO]>..) with a Manta
9.56 Zacky Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
9.70 Talos_IV Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
9.74 Mjolnir Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a DamTypeTAfire
9.83 duke Killed Zacky with a Goliath
10.01 Flenser Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with an AVRiL
10.01 SaintHappening Carjacked a FlameBadger
10.04 duke Killed Plakatowy with a Goliath
10.10 Ripleye Killed duke with an AVRiL
10.11 Tiger Killed Mjolnir with a Manta
10.17 Guardian Killed Saylar with a Manta
10.17 duke Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
10.18 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Talos_IV with a Shock Rifle
10.26 Plakatowy Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Shock Rifle
10.29 Plakatowy Carjacked a Manta
10.30 Saylar Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
10.36 Flenser Killed Guardian with a Raptor
10.44 Plakatowy Headshot UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
10.53 Saylar Suicided with a Shock Rifle
10.61 Grim_Fandango Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Goliath
10.65 Blue Team Captured Flag!
10.73 Ripleye Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
10.74 Talos_IV Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerCrushed
10.74 duke Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
10.77 duke Killed Grim_Fandango with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
10.79 Flenser Killed Splooosh with a Raptor
10.80 Plakatowy Suicided with a Shock Rifle
10.84 Saylar Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
10.84 Ripleye Suicided with a Shock Rifle
10.84 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Grim_Fandango with a Paladin
10.86 Zacky Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Minigun
10.91 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a DamTypeFlameBadgerRoadkill
10.91 Fudge_(UK) Killed Zacky with a Link Gun
10.94 duke Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
10.94 Grim_Fandango Killed SaintHappening with a Bio Rifle
10.94 Grim_Fandango Killed duke with a Bio Rifle
10.94 Grim_Fandango Suicided with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
10.96 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Ripleye with a Paladin
11.09 Splooosh Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Link Gun
11.14 Fudge_(UK) Killed Guardian with a Shock Rifle
11.16 Talos_IV Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
11.17 Saylar Headshot Grim_Fandango with a Manta
11.22 Tiger Killed Grim_Fandango with a Minigun
11.26 Ripleye Killed Talos_IV with a Link Gun
11.27 Grim_Fandango Died from a Manta
11.32 Tiger Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Minigun
11.35 Mjolnir Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
11.39 Tiger Killed Grim_Fandango with a Minigun
11.41 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Saylar with a Goliath
11.42 Guardian Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Flak Cannon
11.43 Mjolnir Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
11.74 Ripleye Carjacked a FlameBadger
11.81 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a Goliath
11.83 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
11.86 (..<[TORO]>..) Suicided with a Goliath
11.89 Grim_Fandango Killed Saylar with a Raptor
11.90 Ripleye Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
11.91 Splooosh Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
11.95 duke Killed Guardian with a Paladin
12.00 Zacky Headshot UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
12.01 Plakatowy Killed Saylar with an Ion Cannon
12.01 Plakatowy Killed SaintHappening with an Ion Cannon
12.08 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Ripleye with a Lightning Gun
12.11 Zacky Headshot Flenser with a Manta
12.23 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Raptor
12.23 Talos_IV Knocked Ripleye off a ledge
12.28 duke Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
12.30 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
12.31 Ripleye Killed duke with a Shock Rifle
12.46 Mjolnir Killed Talos_IV with a Link Gun
12.48 Red Team Captured Flag!
12.48 (..<[TORO]>..) Suicided with a Shield Gun
12.49 Guardian Killed SaintHappening with an AVRiL
12.57 Tiger Died from a Manta
12.72 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Goliath
12.74 Tiger Suicided
12.77 duke Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Manta
12.87 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
12.92 duke Killed Ripleye with a Manta
12.97 Fudge_(UK) Carjacked a FlameBadger
13.01 Guardian Killed duke with a Shock Rifle
13.02 Fudge_(UK) Killed Guardian with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
13.12 SaintHappening Killed Plakatowy with a Goliath
13.12 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a Goliath
13.16 Ripleye Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeMTIIBullet
13.25 Flenser Killed Grim_Fandango with a Rocket Launcher
13.28 Plakatowy Killed Talos_IV with a Manta
13.29 Talos_IV Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
13.29 Talos_IV Killed Mjolnir with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
13.29 Saylar Killed Ripleye with a Raptor
13.37 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Shock Rifle
13.41 Flenser Killed Plakatowy with a Flak Cannon
13.46 Splooosh Killed Tiger with an Ion Cannon
13.46 Splooosh Killed duke with an Ion Cannon
13.47 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Flenser with a Manta
13.59 Tiger Killed Guardian with a DamTypeChainSawSlash
13.59 SaintHappening Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
13.59 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
13.65 Saylar Killed Splooosh with a Raptor
13.74 Grim_Fandango Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Rocket Launcher
13.74 Grim_Fandango Killed SaintHappening with a Rocket Launcher
13.74 Grim_Fandango Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
13.74 Grim_Fandango Suicided with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
13.77 SaintHappening Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
13.86 Ripleye Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Shock Rifle
13.87 Guardian Carjacked a Manta
13.91 Talos_IV Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Manta
13.97 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Raptor
14.05 Saylar Killed Zacky with a Raptor
14.07 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Paladin
14.09 Fudge_(UK) Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
14.15 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Splooosh with a Rocket Launcher
14.15 Saylar Killed Guardian with a Raptor
14.27 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
14.29 Mjolnir Killed Talos_IV with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
14.37 Grim_Fandango Killed Flenser with a Link Gun
14.42 Guardian Carjacked a Manta
14.44 Grim_Fandango Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Minigun
14.47 Flenser Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
14.48 Saylar Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
14.54 Guardian Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Manta
14.55 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Shock Rifle
14.55 Talos_IV Killed Fudge_(UK) with a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
14.63 Zacky Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
14.69 Flenser Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
14.70 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
14.79 Tiger Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
14.84 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Guardian with a Shock Rifle
14.86 Ripleye Carjacked a MyONSRV3
14.88 Fudge_(UK) Carjacked a FlameBadger
15.02 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
15.02 Splooosh Killed Talos_IV with a Goliath
15.04 UnFoRGiVeN Carjacked a RVfuck
15.07 Tiger Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Manta
15.07 Splooosh Killed Tiger with a Goliath
15.10 Fudge_(UK) Killed Plakatowy with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
15.10 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
15.13 Splooosh Killed duke with a Goliath
15.22 Mjolnir Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a DamTypeTAfire
15.26 Saylar Killed Zacky with a Raptor
15.29 Ripleye Carjacked a RVfuck
15.33 Fudge_(UK) Killed Guardian with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
15.34 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
15.34 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
15.39 Flenser Killed Ripleye with an AVRiL
15.40 SaintHappening Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
15.43 Flenser Suicided with an AVRiL
15.51 SaintHappening Died from a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
15.52 Fudge_(UK) Died from a Scorpion
15.65 Fudge_(UK) Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
15.65 Plakatowy Headshot Fudge_(UK) with a Manta
15.70 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Manta
15.74 Saylar Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Raptor
15.75 Ripleye Killed Talos_IV with a Shock Rifle
15.76 Fudge_(UK) Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
15.79 UnFoRGiVeN Died from a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
15.80 Saylar Killed Plakatowy with a Vehicle Explosion
15.86 Tiger Killed Zacky with a Manta
15.87 Ripleye Killed Tiger with a Minigun
15.88 Fudge_(UK) Killed Guardian with a Goliath
15.95 SaintHappening Headshot Ripleye with a Manta
16.01 Fudge_(UK) Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Goliath
16.04 SaintHappening Headshot Mjolnir with a Manta
16.05 Red Team Captured Flag!
16.09 duke Suicided with a Shock Rifle
16.12 UnFoRGiVeN Drowned
16.24 Splooosh Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Flak Cannon
16.28 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Manta
16.31 Tiger Killed Zacky with a Link Gun
16.34 Splooosh Killed duke with a Flak Cannon
16.35 Fudge_(UK) Killed Guardian with a Shock Rifle
16.36 SaintHappening Killed Plakatowy with a Manta
16.38 Flenser Carjacked a Manta
16.38 Splooosh Killed duke with a Flak Cannon
16.38 Tiger Suicided with a Bio Rifle
16.47 Flenser Headshot Splooosh with a Manta
16.69 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
16.74 Tiger Headshot Splooosh with a Manta
16.74 Guardian Killed Tiger with a Rocket Launcher
16.76 Saylar Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
16.76 Fudge_(UK) Carjacked a FlameBadger
16.78 Mjolnir Killed Talos_IV with a Shock Rifle
16.84 Mjolnir Killed SaintHappening with a Flak Cannon
16.89 Guardian Carjacked a MTII
16.95 Zacky Carjacked a FlameBadger
16.98 Plakatowy Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Manta
17.01 Flenser Killed Grim_Fandango with an AVRiL
17.05 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
17.09 Flenser Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with an AVRiL
17.09 Saylar Died from a Raptor
17.13 Flenser Killed Guardian with an AVRiL
17.18 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
17.21 Splooosh Killed Talos_IV with a Goliath
17.22 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Splooosh with a Shock Rifle
17.27 Mjolnir Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
17.34 Saylar Headshot Mjolnir with a Manta
17.44 Zacky Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
17.55 Flenser Killed Plakatowy with a Raptor
17.58 Fudge_(UK) Killed Mjolnir with a Shock Rifle
17.61 Flenser Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Raptor
17.63 Ripleye Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
17.65 SaintHappening Killed Guardian with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
17.65 Saylar Headshot Grim_Fandango with a Manta
17.67 Saylar Suicided with a Manta
17.79 Splooosh Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
17.79 Zacky Killed duke with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
17.85 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with a Raptor
17.86 Plakatowy Killed Fudge_(UK) with a DamTypeMTIIBullet
17.88 Tiger Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
17.97 Tiger Killed Grim_Fandango with a Shock Rifle
17.98 Zacky Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
17.98 Zacky Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
18.03 Flenser Killed Mjolnir with a Flak Cannon
18.12 duke Killed Ripleye with a Paladin
18.12 Grim_Fandango Killed Flenser with a Shock Rifle
18.13 Fudge_(UK) Carjacked a MyONSRV3
18.16 UnFoRGiVeN Killed Grim_Fandango with a Rocket Launcher
18.19 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Flak Cannon
18.22 Plakatowy Killed UnFoRGiVeN with a Shock Rifle
18.34 Flenser Killed Splooosh with a Raptor
18.34 Saylar Suicided with a Shock Rifle
18.38 Mjolnir Carjacked a Manta
18.39 Zacky Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
18.46 UnFoRGiVeN Headshot Guardian with a Manta
18.48 (..<[TORO]>..) Killed Tiger with a Shock Rifle
18.49 Grim_Fandango Killed Fudge_(UK) with a Shock Rifle
18.54 Splooosh Died from a Scorpion
18.71 Ripleye Killed Flenser with a DamTypeMTIIMissle
18.76 Saylar Killed (..<[TORO]>..) with a Shock Rifle
18.81 Grim_Fandango Killed Saylar with a Manta
18.86 Mjolnir Fell to their death
18.87 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
18.91 Tiger Knocked Talos_IV off a ledge
18.91 Fudge_(UK) Carjacked a FlameBadger
18.92 Mjolnir Carjacked a MyONSRV3
18.93 Fudge_(UK) Killed Grim_Fandango with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
18.94 UnFoRGiVeN Headshot (..<[TORO]>..) with a Manta
18.98 Tiger Killed Plakatowy with a Shock Rifle
18.98 Splooosh Killed SaintHappening with a Raptor
18.99 Flenser Killed Splooosh with an AVRiL
19.01 UnFoRGiVeN Headshot Zacky with a Manta
19.02 UnFoRGiVeN Suicided with a Manta
19.04 SaintHappening Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
19.07 Red Team Captured Flag!
19.07 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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