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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-SpaceStation-RS2
on Wed, Dec 18 2024 at 10:00:44 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.39 W???(RO) Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 David Team Change to Red Team
-0.33 Zacky Team Change to Red Team
-0.21 EL_ROMPECULOS Team Change to Blue Team
-0.08 CarlosDanger Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 EL_ROMPECULOS Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 CarlosDanger Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 W???(RO) Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 David Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Zacky Team Change to Blue Team
0.00 Game Start
0.38 Dominator Fell to their death
0.38 Dominator Team Change to Red Team
0.44 David Killed EL_ROMPECULOS with a Shock Rifle
1.00 Dominator Fell to their death
1.09 EL_ROMPECULOS Knocked Zacky off a ledge
1.11 EL_ROMPECULOS Died from a DamTypeUTMinigunBullet
1.23 Zacky Killed Dominator with a Shock Rifle
1.28 W???(RO) Knocked David off a ledge
1.30 EL_ROMPECULOS Knocked CarlosDanger off a ledge
1.31 Red Team Captured Flag!
1.32 CarlosDanger Suicided
1.32 CarlosDanger Disconnected
1.36 Zacky Killed W???(RO) with a Shock Rifle
1.36 Dominator Suicided
1.36 Motig Suicided
1.36 Motig Team Change to Blue Team
1.36 Dominator Disconnected
1.36 Motig Disconnected
1.61 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
1.73 David Killed W???(RO) with a Shock Rifle
1.84 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed David with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
1.88 EL_ROMPECULOS Fell to their death
2.12 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed David with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
2.20 Blue Team Captured Flag!
2.23 EL_ROMPECULOS Fell to their death
2.30 W???(RO) Killed David with a Shock Rifle
2.46 David Killed W???(RO) with a Shock Rifle
2.57 EL_ROMPECULOS Fell to their death
2.65 Zacky Fell to their death
2.80 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed David with a Shock Rifle
3.00 Red Team Captured Flag!
3.05 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed David with a Shock Rifle
3.10 Dirty_Snyde Team Change to Blue Team
3.32 Zacky Killed Gkublok with a Shock Rifle
3.32 Gkublok Team Change to Red Team
3.42 Gkublok Killed Zacky with a Rocket Launcher
3.48 Red Team Captured Flag!
3.48 EL_ROMPECULOS Suicided with a Shield Gun
3.57 Cannonfodder Team Change to Red Team
3.59 Zacky Killed Gkublok with a Shock Rifle
3.59 Gkublok Disconnected
3.94 EL_ROMPECULOS Knocked Zacky off a ledge
4.11 W???(RO) Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
4.18 Dirty_Snyde Killed Cannonfodder with a Flak Cannon
4.19 David Fell to their death
4.26 Zacky Fell to their death
4.29 Frostbite Killed Dirty_Snyde with a Rocket Launcher
4.29 Frostbite Team Change to Red Team
4.31 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.33 Cannonfodder Carjacked a Scorpion
4.39 pishach Knocked EL_ROMPECULOS off a ledge
4.40 Dirty_Snyde Killed Frostbite with a Rocket Launcher
4.43 Cannonfodder Killed Dirty_Snyde with a Scorpion
4.45 David Suicided with a Shock Rifle
4.48 EL_ROMPECULOS Killed pishach with a Shock Rifle
4.60 W???(RO) Knocked Zacky off a ledge
4.63 Red Team Captured Flag!
4.63 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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