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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-FieldsOfChaos-RezQ-V6
on Sun, Dec 08 2024 at 8:46:04 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.40 Nasty_(RU) Team Change to Red Team
-0.39 moi Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 TheGlenn Team Change to Red Team
-0.31 Mike Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Nasty_(RU) Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 moi Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 TheGlenn Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Mike Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.33 Mike Suicided
0.33 Mike Disconnected
0.35 Axon Team Change to Blue Team
0.35 Axon Disconnected
0.63 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
0.63 moi Suicided with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
0.63 moi Suicided with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
0.99 TheGlenn Fell to their death
1.55 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a Mine Layer
1.58 moi Carjacked a ONS_TDIFAV
1.64 moi Killed TheGlenn with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
2.10 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a Sniper Rifle
2.15 TheGlenn Killed moi with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
2.61 Rapier Carjacked a ONS_MBTankTracked
2.61 Rapier Team Change to Red Team
2.76 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeBHawkHydraMissile
2.76 moi Killed TheGlenn with a DamTypeBHawkHydraMissile
3.04 Rapier Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
3.11 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
3.15 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Pancake
3.18 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Pancake
3.24 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
3.28 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Pancake
3.32 Your-Mom Team Change to Red Team
3.33 Rapier Suicided
3.33 Rapier Disconnected
3.37 Nasty_(RU) Killed moi with an Assault Rifle
3.58 TheGlenn Killed Your-Mom with a Grenade Launcher
3.68 moi Killed TheGlenn with a DamTypeBHawkRoadkill
3.90 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeBHawkHellfireMissile
4.10 moi Killed TheGlenn with a DamTypeBHawkHellfireMissile
4.20 moi Carjacked a ONS_BlackHawkCopter
4.51 TheGlenn Killed moi with a Mine Layer
4.98 Nasty_(RU) Killed Your-Mom with an AVRiL
5.41 moi Carjacked a ONS_TDIFAV
5.57 moi Carjacked a ONS_MBTankTracked
5.59 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
5.83 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
5.86 Your-Mom Killed TheGlenn with a Link Gun
6.16 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
6.36 moi Killed TheGlenn with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
6.53 Red Team Captured Flag!
7.28 TheGlenn Killed moi with a Shock Rifle
7.28 Blue Team Captured Flag!
7.42 TheGlenn Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
7.64 TheGlenn Carjacked a ONS_LAV25AD
8.00 TheGlenn Suicided
8.00 TheGlenn Disconnected
8.15 Red Team Captured Flag!
8.56 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a Shock Rifle
8.97 Ravage Killed moi with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
8.97 Ravage Team Change to Blue Team
8.98 Ravage Suicided with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
9.37 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeBHawkHellfireMissile
9.84 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeBHawkHellfireMissile
9.96 moi Carjacked a ONS_AH6Copter
10.03 Your-Mom Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
10.08 Nasty_(RU) Carjacked a ONS_BlackHawkCopter
10.32 Red Team Captured Flag!
10.67 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
10.99 Ravage Killed moi with an AVRiL
11.40 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
11.75 moi Carjacked a ONS_LAV25IFV
12.30 Your-Mom Killed Ravage with an Assault Rifle
12.33 Red Team Captured Flag!
12.48 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
12.48 moi Suicided with a DamTypehollyjollydeemer
12.80 Nasty_(RU) Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeMotorcycleRoadkill
13.20 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
13.50 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeAH6Roadkill
13.75 moi Carjacked a ONS_MBTankTracked
13.80 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
13.86 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
13.88 Your-Mom Carjacked a ONS_BlackHawkCopter
13.88 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
13.92 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
13.95 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
13.98 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.03 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.10 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.16 Nasty_(RU) Suicided with a Grenade Launcher
14.17 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.24 moi Killed Nasty_(RU) with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.26 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.34 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.38 moi Killed Ravage with a DamTypeMBT90TankShell
14.50 moi Carjacked a ONS_BlackHawkCopter
14.78 Your-Mom Killed Ravage with a DamTypeBHawkRoadkill
14.93 Nasty_(RU) Suicided with an Exploding Barrel
15.06 Red Team Captured Flag!
15.06 Game Ended - Team Score Limit

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