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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-SubterraneanBloviation
on Wed, Oct 23 2024 at 2:04:51 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.39 PROPAGANDA_MINISTER Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 PROPAGANDA_MINISTER Team Change to Red Team
0.00 Game Start
0.86 Cathode Headshot Cyclops with a Manta
0.86 Cyclops Team Change to Blue Team
0.86 Cathode Team Change to Red Team
1.22 Cathode Killed Prism with a Link Gun
1.22 Prism Team Change to Blue Team
1.60 Cathode Killed Prism with a Minigun
1.63 Prism Carjacked a Minigun Turret
2.24 Cathode Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
2.94 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Goliath
3.02 Cyclops Killed PROPAGANDA_MINISTER with a Goliath
3.71 Prism Killed PROPAGANDA_MINISTER with a Minigun Turret
4.04 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Minigun
4.04 Cyclops Carjacked a Scorpion
4.56 PROPAGANDA_MINISTER Killed Cyclops with a Vehicle Explosion
4.60 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Scorpion
5.23 Red Team Captured Flag!
5.31 Aryss Team Change to Blue Team
5.31 Aryss Disconnected
9.65 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Sniper Rifle
9.93 Red Team Captured Flag!
10.16 Cathode Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
10.63 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Lightning Gun
10.64 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Scorpion
11.27 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Manta
11.41 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Raptor
11.76 Cyclops Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
11.81 Cathode Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
12.19 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Raptor
12.26 Cyclops Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
13.71 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Scorpion
14.14 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Shock Rifle
14.39 Red Team Captured Flag!
14.55 Cathode Suicided with a Shock Rifle
14.59 Hyena Killed Cyclops with a Minigun
14.59 Hyena Team Change to Red Team
15.06 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Raptor
16.08 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Link Gun
16.76 Cyclops Killed Hyena with a Link Gun
16.91 Cathode Killed Cyclops with a Manta
17.17 Cyclops Killed Cathode with a Raptor
18.84 Red Team Captured Flag!
19.11 Cathode Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
19.52 Hyena Killed Cyclops with a Minigun
19.91 Cyclops Killed Hyena with a Raptor
19.96 Hyena Carjacked a Minigun Turret
19.99 Hyena Killed Cyclops with a Minigun Turret
20.00 Game Ended - Time Limit

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