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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-SubterraneanBloviation
on Wed, Nov 20 2024 at 1:44:17 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.39 MrHuhuhu Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 ZumZum* Team Change to Red Team
-0.37 SaintHappening Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 DanDare Team Change to Red Team
-0.31 Zacky Team Change to Blue Team
-0.28 I''m_Sorry Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 MrHuhuhu Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 ZumZum* Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 SaintHappening Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 DanDare Team Change to Blue Team
0.00 Game Start
0.42 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a HellBender Rear Turret
0.62 I''m_Sorry Killed DanDare with a Goliath
0.67 DanDare Carjacked a Minigun Turret
0.80 Red Team Captured Flag!
1.14 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a HellBender Rear Turret
1.55 DanDare Killed I''m_Sorry with a Raptor
1.94 ZumZum* Killed MrHuhuhu with a Shock Rifle
1.99 I''m_Sorry Killed ZumZum* with a Minigun
2.30 DanDare Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
2.39 MrHuhuhu Killed DanDare with a Shock Rifle
2.66 I''m_Sorry Died from a Burned
2.81 ZumZum* Killed MrHuhuhu with a Shock Rifle
2.96 Zacky Suicided
3.29 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Minigun
3.35 MrHuhuhu Suicided with a Shock Rifle
3.50 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Manta
3.51 DanDare Killed I''m_Sorry with a Raptor
4.18 MrHuhuhu Suicided with a Manta
4.20 DanDare Killed I''m_Sorry with a Raptor
4.25 I''m_Sorry Carjacked a Minigun Turret
4.35 Blue Team Captured Flag!
4.88 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
4.96 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Minigun
5.02 MrHuhuhu Suicided with a Shock Rifle
5.60 SaintHappening Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
5.68 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Raptor
5.89 DanDare Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
5.90 Zacky Killed I''m_Sorry with a Manta
5.98 MrHuhuhu Died from a Manta
6.15 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Manta
6.16 SaintHappening Killed ZumZum* with a Vehicle Explosion
6.47 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a Manta
7.21 ZumZum* Killed MrHuhuhu with a Shock Rifle
7.21 I''m_Sorry Killed ZumZum* with a HellBender Rear Turret
7.31 I''m_Sorry Killed DanDare with a HellBender Rear Turret
8.10 MrHuhuhu Killed DanDare with a Raptor
8.16 I''m_Sorry Suicided with a Mine Layer
8.75 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a Raptor
8.98 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
9.95 DanDare Suicided from Reckless Driving
10.37 MrHuhuhu Killed DanDare with a Raptor
10.40 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a Raptor
10.89 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Link Gun
10.94 MrHuhuhu Suicided with a Shock Rifle
11.01 DanDare Headshot SaintHappening with a Manta
11.48 SaintHappening Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
11.52 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Manta
11.75 Zacky Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
11.80 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
12.15 DanDare Suicided with a Manta
12.15 ZumZum* Died from a Destroyed Vehicle
12.19 Zacky Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
12.40 SaintHappening Carjacked a Raptor
12.41 Zacky Fell to their death
12.67 MrHuhuhu Killed DanDare with a Raptor
13.14 DanDare Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
13.18 Blue Team Captured Flag!
13.22 Zacky Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
13.25 SaintHappening Carjacked a Minigun Turret
13.34 Zacky Suicided
13.46 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
13.55 ZumZum* Died from a Burned
13.63 MrHuhuhu Carjacked a HellBender
13.82 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Link Gun
14.15 SaintHappening Killed DanDare with a Raptor
14.24 MrHuhuhu Suicided with a Shield Gun
14.31 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath Minigun Turret
14.45 Zacky Suicided from Reckless Driving
14.71 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
15.07 SaintHappening Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
15.16 SaintHappening Fell to their death
15.24 ZumZum* Headshot MrHuhuhu with a Manta
15.47 ZumZum* Carjacked a Manta
15.88 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
16.00 SaintHappening Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
16.11 Blue Team Captured Flag!
16.20 MrHuhuhu Suicided from Reckless Driving
16.46 Player Team Change to Red Team
16.50 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a Destroyed Vehicle
16.66 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
16.77 MrHuhuhu Killed DanDare with a Raptor
16.83 Zacky Killed MrHuhuhu with a Raptor
16.98 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Manta
17.00 SaintHappening Carjacked a Raptor
17.04 Zacky Fell to their death
17.12 FreedomWarrior Team Change to Blue Team
17.12 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Manta
17.14 DanDare Headshot I''m_Sorry with a Manta
17.20 Baird Suicided
17.20 Baird Team Change to Blue Team
17.20 Baird Disconnected
17.25 SaintHappening Carjacked a HellBender
17.38 ZumZum* Carjacked a Raptor
17.46 Player Died from an Orbital Ion Satellite
17.71 ZumZum* Killed MrHuhuhu with a Vehicle Explosion
17.79 MrHuhuhu Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
17.94 ZumZum* Headshot SaintHappening with a Manta
18.02 ZumZum* Carjacked a HellBender
18.24 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
18.33 DanDare Killed MrHuhuhu with a Manta
18.34 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
18.38 DanDare Suicided with a Manta
18.43 FreedomWarrior Killed I''m_Sorry with a Goliath
18.45 Player Killed ZumZum* with an Assault Rifle
18.47 Zacky Killed Player with a Manta
18.56 I''m_Sorry Killed FreedomWarrior with a Goliath
18.61 Player Suicided
18.61 Player Disconnected
18.78 Zacky Headshot SaintHappening with a Manta
18.92 ZumZum* Killed I''m_Sorry with a Shock Rifle
18.97 Greith Killed ZumZum* with a Manta
18.97 Greith Team Change to Red Team
18.99 Zacky Killed Greith with a Shock Rifle
19.10 MrHuhuhu Killed Zacky with a Minigun
19.12 MrHuhuhu Fell to their death
19.22 ZumZum* Killed Greith with a Raptor
19.42 ZumZum* Killed Greith with a Raptor
19.57 I''m_Sorry Carjacked a Minigun Turret
19.96 ZumZum* Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
19.97 Zacky Suicided from Reckless Driving
20.00 Game Ended - Time Limit

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