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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - VCTF-Airport-MiA-Rev1
on Mon, Nov 18 2024 at 9:57:13 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.40 SaintHappening Team Change to Blue Team
-0.40 Your-Mom Team Change to Red Team
-0.37 L???@t?? Team Change to Blue Team
-0.37 Gil-galad Team Change to Red Team
-0.37 Antonius Team Change to Blue Team
-0.34 Flenser Team Change to Red Team
-0.33 Zacky Team Change to Red Team
-0.32 ZumZum* Team Change to Blue Team
-0.31 pishach Team Change to Blue Team
-0.30 Mike Team Change to Red Team
-0.27 GuineaHamster Team Change to Blue Team
-0.26 shades Team Change to Red Team
-0.25 Flenser Disconnected
-0.24 Morrawind Team Change to Red Team
-0.21 Russ Team Change to Red Team
-0.19 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Team Change to Blue Team
-0.15 Ripleye Team Change to Blue Team
-0.05 Bluecat77 Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Mike Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 GuineaHamster Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Morrawind Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 L???@t?? Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Gil-galad Team Change to Blue Team
-0.03 Antonius Team Change to Red Team
-0.03 Zacky Team Change to Blue Team
0.00 Game Start
0.01 pishach Suicided
0.01 pishach Disconnected
0.23 GuineaHamster Killed Zacky with an Exploding Barrel
0.33 Mike Suicided
0.33 Antonius Suicided
0.33 Mike Disconnected
0.33 Antonius Disconnected
0.33 Gil-galad Suicided
0.33 Gil-galad Disconnected
0.36 shades Killed Ripleye with a Raptor
0.38 Bluecat77 Died from an Unknown Weapon
0.38 Faraleth Suicided
0.38 Riker Suicided
0.38 Jakob Suicided
0.38 Makreth Suicided
0.38 Bluecat77 Team Change to Red Team
0.38 Faraleth Team Change to Blue Team
0.38 Riker Team Change to Blue Team
0.38 Jakob Team Change to Blue Team
0.38 Makreth Team Change to Red Team
0.38 Faraleth Disconnected
0.38 Riker Disconnected
0.38 Jakob Disconnected
0.38 Makreth Disconnected
0.39 Zacky Suicided
0.39 Zacky Disconnected
0.42 Russ Killed Bluecat77 with a Cicada
0.45 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
0.46 Ripleye Killed Russ with a Minigun
0.48 Zacky Team Change to Blue Team
0.48 Zacky Disconnected
0.56 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
0.60 shades Killed Bluecat77 with a Raptor
0.61 GuineaHamster Killed Kraagesh with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
0.61 Kraagesh Team Change to Blue Team
0.62 ZumZum* Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
0.66 SaintHappening Headshot Your-Mom with a Manta
0.67 SaintHappening Suicided with a Manta
0.72 L???@t?? Killed ZumZum* with a Redeemer
0.81 L???@t?? Suicided with a Shock Rifle
0.89 shades Killed Morrawind with a Raptor
0.92 Your-Mom Killed Kraagesh with a Goliath Minigun Turret
0.93 L???@t?? Disconnected
0.94 Kraagesh Disconnected
0.96 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
0.98 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed SaintHappening with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
0.98 Remus Suicided
0.98 Frostbite Suicided
0.98 Remus Team Change to Blue Team
0.98 Frostbite Team Change to Red Team
0.98 Remus Disconnected
0.98 Frostbite Disconnected
1.00 Vidmal Team Change to Blue Team
1.19 Russ Headshot Ripleye with a Manta
1.26 Selig Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
1.26 Selig Team Change to Red Team
1.33 Your-Mom Carjacked a Minigun Turret
1.43 SaintHappening Killed Russ with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
1.70 shades Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
1.86 Your-Mom Killed Morrawind with a Cicada
1.89 Russ Killed Ripleye with a Goliath Minigun Turret
1.93 GuineaHamster Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
1.97 Ripleye Killed Russ with a Link Gun
2.05 shades Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
2.07 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
2.18 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed SaintHappening with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
2.20 SaintHappening Killed Selig with a Vehicle Explosion
2.23 Ronftl Team Change to Red Team
2.24 Morrawind Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.31 ZumZum* Killed Your-Mom with a Shock Rifle
2.34 Zacky Carjacked a Manta
2.35 Ronftl Died from an Unknown Weapon
2.35 Karag Suicided
2.35 Ronftl Team Change to Red Team
2.35 Karag Team Change to Blue Team
2.35 Karag Disconnected
2.40 Morrawind Killed Selig with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
2.44 HELL_FIRE_BACK Team Change to Red Team
2.48 Vidmal Disconnected
2.50 HELL_FIRE_BACK Died from an Unknown Weapon
2.50 HELL_FIRE_BACK Team Change to Red Team
2.51 Ripleye Killed Russ with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
2.63 Ripleye Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
2.75 Your-Mom Died from a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
2.79 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Headshot ZumZum* with a Manta
2.94 Ripleye Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
2.97 GuineaHamster Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
2.97 shades Killed Ronftl with a Raptor
3.04 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
3.07 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
3.10 ZumZum* Killed Your-Mom with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
3.13 Ripleye Carjacked a Minigun Turret
3.15 Your-Mom Carjacked a MiniScorpion
3.22 ZumZum* Killed Zacky with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
3.26 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
3.26 HELL_FIRE_BACK Suicided from a Vehicle Explosion
3.32 Morrawind Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
3.32 Morrawind Suicided with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
3.50 ZumZum* Suicided with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
3.55 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a Cicada
3.58 Russ Killed Morrawind with a Cicada
3.60 ZumZum* Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
3.64 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a Cicada
3.66 shades Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
3.72 Morrawind Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
3.73 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a Cicada
3.75 Zacky Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
3.85 GuineaHamster Killed Bluecat77 with a Shock Rifle
3.88 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
3.89 Zacky Telefragged GuineaHamster
3.90 Selig Killed SaintHappening with a Rocket Launcher
3.91 Ronftl Suicided with a Goliath
3.94 shades Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.05 Ripleye Killed Your-Mom with a Link Gun
4.07 shades Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.08 SaintHappening Killed Selig with a TAHummerCrushed
4.10 Russ Suicided with a Redeemer
4.20 Bluecat77 Killed Zacky with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.21 SaintHappening Killed Selig with a TAHummerCrushed
4.24 Morrawind Fell to their death
4.27 GuineaHamster Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
4.28 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
4.33 Selig Killed ZumZum* with a Rocket Launcher
4.40 Selig Carjacked a Raptor
4.51 shades Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.56 gerbil Team Change to Red Team
4.62 Selig Suicided
4.62 Selig Disconnected
4.66 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
4.73 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
4.74 shades Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
4.75 SaintHappening Killed Russ with a DamTypeTAfire
4.78 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
4.80 Ronftl Carjacked a Manta
4.81 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a Goliath
4.86 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
4.87 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
4.89 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a Goliath
4.92 Domina Suicided
4.92 Domina Team Change to Blue Team
4.92 Domina Disconnected
4.93 Antonius Died from an Unknown Weapon
4.93 Antonius Team Change to Blue Team
4.98 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a Goliath
4.98 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
5.00 Antonius Died from an Unknown Weapon
5.00 Antonius Team Change to Red Team
5.04 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
5.06 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
5.11 gerbil Killed ZumZum* with a Rocket Launcher
5.11 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a Goliath Minigun Turret
5.12 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Goliath
5.12 Unclegrandma Team Change to Red Team
5.13 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Rocket Launcher
5.18 Russ Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeMTIIRoadkill
5.23 SaintHappening Killed Your-Mom with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
5.27 ZumZum* Died from a DamTypeMiniScorpionRoadkill
5.27 Brock Killed shades with a Rocket Launcher
5.27 Brock Team Change to Blue Team
5.30 Morrawind Killed gerbil with an Ion Cannon
5.50 Russ Killed Ronftl with a Raptor
5.56 Ripleye Killed Russ with an Energy Turret
5.69 gerbil Killed Bluecat77 with a Goliath
5.77 L???@t?? Killed shades with a Lightning Gun
5.82 L???@t?? Killed Antonius with a Lightning Gun
5.83 Ronftl Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
5.89 Unclegrandma Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
5.91 ZumZum* Killed gerbil with an Energy Turret
5.92 GuineaHamster Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
5.97 Brock Killed Unclegrandma with a Rocket Launcher
6.05 Ronftl Killed Antonius with a Minigun
6.07 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Brock with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.11 ZumZum* Suicided with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.11 SaintHappening Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
6.13 Your-Mom Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
6.15 gerbil Killed Ronftl with a Shock Rifle
6.22 Morrawind Killed gerbil with a Mine Layer
6.26 Right Team Change to Blue Team
6.29 Brock Suicided
6.29 Brock Disconnected
6.31 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
6.36 GuineaHamster Killed L???@t?? with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
6.40 Antonius Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
6.40 Russ Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
6.45 GuineaHamster Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
6.46 SaintHappening Killed GuineaHamster with a DamTypeTAfire
6.46 SaintHappening Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeTAfire
6.48 ZumZum* Suicided from Reckless Driving
6.49 Unclegrandma Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeMTIIRoadkill
6.56 Ripleye Killed Unclegrandma with a Shock Rifle
6.57 SaintHappening Killed Russ with a DamTypeTAfire
6.65 SaintHappening Killed gerbil with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
6.71 Ripleye Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
6.80 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a DamTypeTAfire
6.90 Morrawind Carjacked a MiniScorpion
6.97 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
7.00 Right Killed Russ with a Goliath
7.03 shades Killed Ronftl with a Redeemer
7.08 Morrawind Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.11 shades Killed Right with a Raptor
7.17 Your-Mom Killed Right with a Goliath
7.18 Russ Carjacked a Minigun Turret
7.19 shades Killed L???@t?? with a Raptor
7.23 Morrawind Killed Russ with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.23 Unclegrandma Killed Ronftl with a Cicada
7.23 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
7.28 Bluecat77 Killed gerbil with a Minigun
7.29 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
7.30 Ripleye Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
7.32 Right Killed Unclegrandma with a Shock Rifle
7.33 Right Died from a Cicada
7.34 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
7.45 Blue Team Captured Flag!
7.45 Morrawind Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.50 Morrawind Killed gerbil with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.55 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
7.59 Bluecat77 Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
7.60 gerbil Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
7.61 HELL_FIRE_BACK Suicided from Reckless Driving
7.62 Right Killed Russ with a Goliath
7.66 Morrawind Killed GuineaHamster with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
7.73 shades Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Raptor
7.81 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with an Ion Cannon
7.82 Antonius Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with an Ion Cannon
7.93 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a Manta
7.95 Unclegrandma Suicided with a Manta
7.96 shades Killed Right with a Raptor
8.04 ZumZum* Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
8.07 HELL_FIRE_BACK Headshot Unclegrandma with a Manta
8.08 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.09 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ripleye with an Energy Turret
8.13 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
8.17 gerbil Killed Bluecat77 with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.20 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Manta
8.21 SaintHappening Killed Your-Mom with a Link Gun
8.21 SaintHappening Killed gerbil with a Link Gun
8.21 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.26 Right Killed Antonius with a Shock Rifle
8.30 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath Minigun Turret
8.31 GuineaHamster Suicided from Reckless Driving
8.34 Unclegrandma Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
8.36 Unclegrandma Killed Right with a Goliath
8.42 Russ Killed Bluecat77 with a Cicada
8.43 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
8.44 Unclegrandma Killed ZumZum* with a Goliath
8.46 Red Team Captured Flag!
8.48 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Unclegrandma with a Cicada
8.50 Russ Killed L???@t?? with a Cicada
8.51 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Antonius with a Cicada
8.55 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
8.55 Russ Suicided from Reckless Driving
8.58 Right Suicided with a Shock Rifle
8.69 Your-Mom Killed Ronftl with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.74 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
8.88 shades Killed Right with a Raptor
8.91 shades Killed SaintHappening with a Raptor
8.91 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
8.96 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
8.98 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
9.07 Russ Killed Morrawind with a Goliath Minigun Turret
9.08 Your-Mom Killed SaintHappening with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
9.08 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
9.13 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Manta
9.13 Right Killed shades with a Raptor
9.15 GuineaHamster Killed L???@t?? with a DamTypeHoverBadgerRoadkill
9.22 Your-Mom Killed Bluecat77 with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
9.27 Ronftl Killed Your-Mom with an Energy Turret
9.30 ZumZum* Carjacked a TAHummer
9.31 Russ Killed L???@t?? with a Link Gun
9.37 Bluecat77 Killed Russ with a Rocket Launcher
9.40 Bluecat77 Died from a DamTypeTAHummerRoadkill
9.44 L???@t?? Killed GuineaHamster with a Shock Rifle
9.53 Russ Killed SaintHappening with a Link Gun
9.53 Russ Killed ZumZum* with a Link Gun
9.60 Antonius Suicided with a Rocket Launcher
9.66 L???@t?? Killed Zacky with a Goliath
9.77 L???@t?? Killed Your-Mom with a Goliath
9.77 L???@t?? Killed gerbil with a Goliath
9.77 Antonius Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
9.78 L???@t?? Suicided with a Goliath
9.79 Morrawind Killed GuineaHamster with a Rocket Launcher
9.85 Unclegrandma Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
9.89 Antonius Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
9.91 Right Killed GuineaHamster with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
9.93 Russ Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeMTIIRoadkill
9.95 L???@t?? Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
9.96 Right Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
9.97 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Antonius with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
10.00 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
10.01 L???@t?? Carjacked a MTII
10.09 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
10.12 L???@t?? Killed Unclegrandma with a Shock Rifle
10.15 GuineaHamster Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.15 GuineaHamster Killed Right with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.22 ZumZum* Headshot Unclegrandma with a Manta
10.29 Right Killed Your-Mom with a Shock Rifle
10.29 Bluecat77 Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
10.38 Russ Headshot Ripleye with a Manta
10.42 ZumZum* Killed Russ with a Manta
10.44 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Bluecat77 with a Shock Rifle
10.50 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Antonius with a Goliath
10.52 Morrawind Fell to their death
10.52 shades Killed Right with a Raptor
10.59 Right Killed shades with a Destroyed Vehicle
10.67 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Goliath
10.75 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Goliath
10.77 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Unclegrandma with a Goliath
10.78 L???@t?? Killed Your-Mom with a Redeemer
10.78 L???@t?? Killed Zacky with a Redeemer
10.78 L???@t?? Killed Russ with a Redeemer
10.78 L???@t?? Suicided with a Redeemer
10.79 gerbil Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
10.87 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Antonius with a Goliath
10.88 Unclegrandma Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Rocket Launcher
11.06 Antonius Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
11.11 Othello Killed Russ with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
11.11 Othello Team Change to Blue Team
11.14 Ronftl Carjacked a Manta
11.17 GuineaHamster Killed Ripleye with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
11.20 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
11.23 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
11.23 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Russ with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
11.26 Antonius Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Rocket Launcher
11.26 Antonius Suicided with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
11.28 Russ Killed Right with a Rocket Launcher
11.28 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
11.43 gerbil Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
11.45 Your-Mom Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeTAfire
11.46 Russ Killed L???@t?? with a Link Gun
11.47 Soma_(TR) Killed Bluecat77 with a Rocket Launcher
11.57 shades Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Destroyed Vehicle
11.58 Ronftl Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
11.58 Your-Mom Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
11.59 Your-Mom Killed Bluecat77 with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
11.69 L???@t?? Killed Your-Mom with a Link Gun
11.70 gerbil Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
11.74 Antonius Killed Othello with a Shock Rifle
11.77 L???@t?? Killed Soma_(TR) with a Shock Rifle
11.78 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
11.82 Zacky Killed Ripleye with a Scorpion
11.82 L???@t?? Suicided with a Shock Rifle
11.91 Bluecat77 Killed Zacky with a Goliath Minigun Turret
11.92 Soma_(TR) Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
11.93 Ronftl Killed gerbil with a Manta
11.94 Russ Killed Othello with a Redeemer
11.99 L???@t?? Killed GuineaHamster with a Shock Rifle
12.01 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
12.01 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
12.03 Ripleye Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
12.07 Morrawind Killed Your-Mom with an Ion Cannon
12.08 Morrawind Killed Soma_(TR) with an Ion Cannon
12.11 L???@t?? Carjacked a Nodbuggy
12.12 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
12.17 Antonius Killed Right with a Cicada
12.20 GuineaHamster Killed L???@t?? with a Manta
12.21 Antonius Killed Ronftl with a Cicada
12.24 Soma_(TR) Killed Othello with a Shock Rifle
12.26 Your-Mom Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
12.27 Antonius Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Cicada
12.30 Ripleye Killed Russ with a Goliath
12.36 Zacky Carjacked a Manta
12.37 GuineaHamster Suicided with a Manta
12.39 Morrawind Suicided with a Mine Layer
12.44 ZumZum* Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
12.48 L???@t?? Suicided with a Shock Rifle
12.61 Antonius Killed Bluecat77 with a Cicada
12.69 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
12.73 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
12.73 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
12.77 Soma_(TR) Killed Othello with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
12.78 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerNapalmGlob
12.82 GuineaHamster Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Manta
12.82 GuineaHamster Killed Right with a Manta
12.92 Morrawind Killed Antonius with a Raptor
12.99 GuineaHamster Headshot SaintHappening with a Manta
12.99 Zacky Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
13.05 Right Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
13.20 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
13.22 Your-Mom Killed Bluecat77 with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
13.27 Soma_(TR) Killed L???@t?? with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
13.27 Soma_(TR) Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
13.28 Ripleye Killed Unclegrandma with a Goliath
13.28 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
13.33 Othello Killed GuineaHamster with a Cicada
13.35 Antonius Killed Othello with a Shock Rifle
13.35 Zacky Killed ZumZum* with a Goliath Minigun Turret
13.40 Ronftl Carjacked a Exo_suit
13.45 Ripleye Killed Soma_(TR) with a Goliath
13.52 GuineaHamster Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
13.56 Zacky Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath Minigun Turret
13.56 Morrawind Killed Russ with a Lightning Gun
13.67 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a Goliath
13.71 Othello Killed Antonius with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
13.76 SaintHappening Suicided with an AVRiL
13.80 Unclegrandma Killed Othello with a Shock Rifle
13.83 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
13.89 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Bluecat77 with a Goliath
13.93 Zacky Killed Othello with a Scorpion
13.94 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
14.00 Ronftl Died from a DamTypeMiniScorpionRoadkill
14.05 shades Killed SaintHappening with a Raptor
14.06 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a Goliath
14.09 Othello Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.10 L???@t?? Killed Russ with a Lightning Gun
14.10 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a Goliath
14.12 Zacky Killed Ripleye with a Goliath Minigun Turret
14.15 shades Killed Morrawind with a Raptor
14.16 GuineaHamster Killed Right with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.17 shades Killed SaintHappening with a Raptor
14.18 GuineaHamster Killed L???@t?? with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.18 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
14.20 Othello Killed GuineaHamster with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.26 Ripleye Killed Zacky with a Minigun
14.26 Unclegrandma Killed ZumZum* with a Minigun
14.27 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Antonius with a Shock Rifle
14.27 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
14.27 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a Goliath
14.31 Right Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
14.31 Unclegrandma Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Link Gun
14.36 Morrawind Carjacked a MiniScorpion
14.37 Bluecat77 Killed Soma_(TR) with a Goliath Minigun Turret
14.37 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Morrawind with a Goliath
14.38 Your-Mom Killed Right with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
14.41 Your-Mom Killed Ripleye with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
14.42 L???@t?? Killed gerbil with a Shock Rifle
14.44 L???@t?? Killed Your-Mom with a Shock Rifle
14.47 Unclegrandma Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Link Gun
14.55 L???@t?? Carjacked a TAHummer
14.60 Antonius Carjacked a MTII
14.62 ZumZum* Carjacked a Minigun Turret
14.62 Unclegrandma Killed Right with a Rocket Launcher
14.63 Othello Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.68 Ronftl Killed Russ with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
14.68 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Othello with a Goliath
14.70 ZumZum* Killed Antonius with a Minigun Turret
14.73 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Goliath
14.76 shades Killed Right with a Redeemer
14.77 gerbil Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
14.83 L???@t?? Killed Unclegrandma with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
14.84 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed Ronftl with a Goliath
14.84 Soma_(TR) Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
14.86 shades Killed L???@t?? with a Shock Rifle
14.86 Right Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Shock Rifle
14.87 gerbil Killed Right with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
14.94 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
14.96 Soma_(TR) Killed Othello with a Shock Rifle
14.97 Right Killed Soma_(TR) with a Shock Rifle
15.01 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
15.02 ZumZum* Killed gerbil with a Manta
15.16 Your-Mom Carjacked a Minigun Turret
15.17 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
15.27 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Your-Mom with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
15.28 L???@t?? Killed Zacky with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
15.29 Russ Killed SaintHappening with a Redeemer
15.30 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
15.30 Russ Killed Ronftl with a Redeemer
15.34 Soma_(TR) Killed Morrawind with a Manta
15.38 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
15.43 L???@t?? Killed Russ with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
15.44 gerbil Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
15.49 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
15.49 Zacky Killed Right with a Shock Rifle
15.51 L???@t?? Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
15.53 gerbil Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
15.56 L???@t?? Killed gerbil with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
15.59 Antonius Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
15.63 Othello Killed Antonius with an Energy Turret
15.68 Bluecat77 Suicided with a Shock Rifle
15.72 GuineaHamster Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
15.73 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Shock Rifle
15.73 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Rocket Launcher
15.78 Ripleye Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
15.83 Soma_(TR) Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
15.88 Unclegrandma Suicided from Reckless Driving
15.90 Bluecat77 Headshot <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Manta
15.90 shades Killed Right with a Raptor
15.93 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
15.93 SaintHappening Killed Soma_(TR) with a DamTypeTAfire
15.94 SaintHappening Killed Russ with a DamTypeTAfire
15.95 Your-Mom Killed SaintHappening with a Goliath
15.96 gerbil Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
15.97 Antonius Killed Bluecat77 with a Shock Rifle
16.02 Unclegrandma Killed Othello with a Rocket Launcher
16.04 Red Team Captured Flag!
16.08 shades Killed Ripleye with a Raptor
16.10 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
16.15 Soma_(TR) Suicided
16.16 shades Killed Bluecat77 with a Raptor
16.20 Othello Killed gerbil with a Goliath Minigun Turret
16.24 Ronftl Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
16.34 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed GuineaHamster with a DamTypeFlameBadgerFlamethrower
16.34 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
16.40 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with an Energy Turret
16.40 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Killed L???@t?? with an Energy Turret
16.41 Morrawind Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Raptor
16.42 shades Killed Othello with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
16.43 gerbil Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
16.47 Soma_(TR) Suicided with a Shock Rifle
16.53 shades Killed Othello with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
16.55 ZumZum* Killed shades with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
16.55 Right Killed Antonius with a Goliath
16.57 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed <{CTC}>MikeFiend with a Manta
16.58 Russ Killed Ronftl with a Goliath Minigun Turret
16.60 Right Killed Unclegrandma with a Goliath
16.67 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Suicided
16.67 <{CTC}>MikeFiend Disconnected
16.67 Soma_(TR) Killed Morrawind with a Shock Rifle
16.68 Ophelia Team Change to Blue Team
16.68 Ophelia Disconnected
16.74 Othello Suicided
16.74 Cathode Suicided
16.74 Cathode Team Change to Red Team
16.74 Othello Disconnected
16.74 Cathode Disconnected
16.76 Ronftl Killed Russ with a Vehicle Explosion
17.04 Antonius Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
17.07 Your-Mom Killed Bluecat77 with a Goliath
17.08 Antonius Killed Ronftl with a Shock Rifle
17.14 Ronftl Killed Antonius with a Rocket Launcher
17.18 GuineaHamster Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
17.19 Soma_(TR) Killed L???@t?? with a Manta
17.19 Right Killed Soma_(TR) with a Goliath
17.21 Russ Suicided from Reckless Driving
17.25 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeTAfire
17.27 Bluecat77 Killed Unclegrandma with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
17.27 Ronftl Died from a Manta
17.43 shades Fell to their death
17.50 Zacky Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
17.51 Your-Mom Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Goliath
17.51 Your-Mom Killed L???@t?? with a Goliath
17.52 Right Killed Zacky with a Goliath
17.62 SaintHappening Killed Soma_(TR) with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
17.69 Your-Mom Killed Ripleye with a Goliath
17.70 Antonius Killed Right with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
17.71 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
17.74 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed Your-Mom with a Raptor
17.80 L???@t?? Killed Unclegrandma with a Shock Rifle
17.81 ZumZum* Killed Antonius with a Manta
17.83 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with a Raptor
17.93 Antonius Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Shock Rifle
17.96 Ronftl Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
17.97 Zacky Killed Ronftl with a Manta
17.98 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeFlameBadgerCannon
18.00 gerbil Killed Right with a Shock Rifle
18.04 Soma_(TR) Killed Bluecat77 with an Energy Turret
18.09 shades Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a Raptor
18.10 Soma_(TR) Headshot L???@t?? with a Manta
18.12 Antonius Killed Ripleye with a Link Gun
18.12 GuineaHamster Carjacked a FlameBadger
18.17 Soma_(TR) Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
18.19 Soma_(TR) Killed SaintHappening with a Shock Rifle
18.19 Ronftl Killed Soma_(TR) with a Shock Rifle
18.27 gerbil Killed L???@t?? with an AVRiL
18.28 gerbil Carjacked a Minigun Turret
18.33 SaintHappening Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
18.34 gerbil Killed SaintHappening with a Minigun Turret
18.40 L???@t?? Killed gerbil with a Link Gun
18.44 Ronftl Killed Unclegrandma with a Lightning Gun
18.46 Right Killed Antonius with a Shock Rifle
18.56 Your-Mom Killed Ripleye with a Cicada
18.62 ZumZum* Killed Russ with a Vehicle Explosion
18.65 shades Killed ZumZum* with a Raptor
18.80 Zacky Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
18.89 Russ Killed Ronftl with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
18.91 Soma_(TR) Headshot Demon with a Manta
18.94 gerbil Killed L???@t?? with a TAHummerMissileLauncher_Missile_DamageType
18.96 Ripleye Killed Unclegrandma with a Link Gun
18.96 Unclegrandma Killed Ripleye with a Link Gun
19.01 Demon Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
19.02 Demon Killed Antonius with a Shock Rifle
19.07 HELL_FIRE_BACK Carjacked a Cicada
19.07 Russ Killed L???@t?? with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
19.08 Bluecat77 Killed Soma_(TR) with a Shock Rifle
19.11 Antonius Killed Right with a Shock Rifle
19.12 Your-Mom Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with an Assault Rifle
19.12 Unclegrandma Killed SaintHappening with a Rocket Launcher
19.12 Antonius Killed Bluecat77 with a Shock Rifle
19.14 L???@t?? Killed Russ with a Shock Rifle
19.14 shades Killed Morrawind with a Raptor
19.20 Bluecat77 Killed shades with a Shock Rifle
19.34 Demon Killed Zacky with a Shock Rifle
19.49 GuineaHamster Died from a Reckless Driving
19.49 Your-Mom Suicided with a DamTypeFlameBadgerExplosion
19.54 Antonius Killed Right with a Minigun
19.55 FionnMacCuumhail Team Change to Red Team
19.55 Demon Killed Russ with a DamTypeMiniScorpionChainGun
19.57 Antonius Killed ZumZum* with a Minigun
19.61 gerbil Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeTAfire
19.62 Gkublok Suicided
19.62 Gkublok Team Change to Red Team
19.62 Gkublok Disconnected
19.66 Ripleye Killed Soma_(TR) with a Minigun
19.66 ZumZum* Carjacked a Nodbuggy
19.66 Zacky Killed Ripleye with a Shock Rifle
19.73 GuineaHamster Killed SaintHappening with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
19.75 Morrawind Killed Zacky with an Ion Cannon
19.82 HELL_FIRE_BACK Killed gerbil with an Energy Turret
19.84 ZumZum* Killed Zacky with a Scorpion
19.86 shades Killed Demon with a Raptor
19.89 GuineaHamster Killed HELL_FIRE_BACK with a DamTypeHoverBadgerCannon
19.92 Zacky Killed ZumZum* with a Shock Rifle
19.93 ZumZum* Killed Unclegrandma with a Rocket Launcher
20.00 Game Ended - Time Limit

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