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Chat Log for [MiA] Warfare - AS-JUNKYARD
on Fri, Nov 15 2024 at 2:44:14 AM
Minutes Player Text
-0.31 JuiceBoxSpider Connected
-0.31 JuiceBoxSpider Team Change to Red Team
-0.31 Head_Asploder Connected
-0.31 Head_Asploder Team Change to Blue Team
0.00 Game Start
0.30 JuiceBoxSpider Died from an Unknown Weapon
0.30 JuiceBoxSpider Team Change to Blue Team
0.30 Othello Connected
0.30 Othello Suicided
0.30 Othello Team Change to Red Team
0.30 Othello Disconnected
0.64 Azure Connected
0.64 Red team completed objective: Find the Energy Core.
0.64 Azure Team Change to Red Team
0.85 Motig Connected
0.85 Motig Killed Azure with a Sniper Rifle
0.85 Motig Team Change to Blue Team
0.96 Red team completed objective: Return the Core to the vehicle.
1.03 JuiceBoxSpider Died from a Sentinel Laser
1.44 JuiceBoxSpider Suicided
1.44 JuiceBoxSpider Disconnected
1.80 Annika Connected
1.80 Red team completed objective: Lower the bridge.
1.80 Annika Team Change to Red Team
1.82 Azure Killed Head_Asploder with a Link Gun
2.01 Azure Killed Motig with a Minigun
2.89 Red team completed objective: Cross the bridge.
5.02 Annika Killed Head_Asploder with a HellBender Rear Turret
5.44 Head_Asploder Disconnected
20.00 Blue team successfully defended.
20.48 Annika Killed Motig with a Flak Cannon
20.52 Outlaw Connected
20.52 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Flak Cannon
20.52 Outlaw Team Change to Blue Team
20.53 Blue team completed objective: Find the Energy Core.
20.55 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Flak Cannon
20.75 Blue team completed objective: Return the Core to the vehicle.
21.64 Blue team completed objective: Lower the bridge.
21.69 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
22.08 Azure Killed Motig with a Minigun Turret
22.27 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Flak Cannon
22.33 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
22.98 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Minigun Turret
23.13 Annika Killed Motig with a Minigun Turret
23.45 Annika Killed Motig with a Destroyed Vehicle
23.60 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Minigun Turret
24.42 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
24.73 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
25.53 Annika Headshot Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
25.98 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Flak Cannon
26.02 Outlaw Headshot Azure with a Sniper Rifle
26.22 Azure Headshot Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
27.39 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
27.69 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
27.91 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Link Gun
27.97 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Flak Cannon
28.03 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Flak Cannon
28.35 Azure Fell to their death
28.54 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Link Gun
29.70 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Shock Rifle
29.92 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
30.23 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
30.48 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Flak Cannon
30.52 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Flak Cannon
31.29 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
31.77 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
31.79 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Sniper Rifle
31.97 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Flak Cannon
32.78 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Link Gun
32.81 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Flak Cannon
33.75 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Minigun
33.81 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Minigun
34.20 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
34.60 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
34.74 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Flak Cannon
34.81 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Flak Cannon
34.84 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
35.12 Outlaw Headshot Azure with a Sniper Rifle
35.26 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
36.41 Outlaw Headshot Annika with a Sniper Rifle
36.55 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
36.92 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Sniper Rifle
37.01 Outlaw Killed Annika with a Sniper Rifle
37.52 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
37.88 Azure Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
38.19 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Sniper Rifle
38.50 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
38.87 Annika Killed Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
39.42 Outlaw Killed Azure with a Sniper Rifle
39.66 Outlaw Headshot Annika with a Sniper Rifle
39.86 Annika Headshot Outlaw with a Sniper Rifle
40.15 Red Team Scored!
40.15 Red team successfully defended.
40.15 Blue team successfully defended.
40.15 Game Ended - Round Limit

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