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Chat Log for [Core]DM-contacts - DM-Gael-XL
on Thu, Nov 14 2024 at 9:15:11 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.56 12iii_(DE) Connected
-0.55 proZ Connected
0.00 Game Start
0.00 Game Start
0.51 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Lightning Gun
1.24 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Shock Rifle
1.69 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Shock Rifle
2.64 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Minigun
3.09 proZ Fell into Lava
3.52 proZ Fell into Lava
4.73 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Minigun
5.08 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Shock Rifle
5.38 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Minigun
5.60 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Minigun
6.04 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Shock Rifle
6.19 proZ Fell into Lava
6.67 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Minigun
6.87 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Lightning Gun
7.08 proZ Fell into Lava
7.41 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Rocket Launcher
7.88 proZ Killed 12iii_(DE) with a Link Gun
8.01 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Rocket Launcher
8.10 proZ Fell into Lava
8.39 proZ Fell into Lava
9.02 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Link Gun
9.26 proZ Fell into Lava
9.80 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Shock Rifle
9.94 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Link Gun
10.17 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Link Gun
10.37 12iii_(DE) Killed proZ with a Lightning Gun
10.91 proZ Fell into Lava
11.05 proZ Disconnected
11.88 12iii_(DE) Suicided
11.88 12iii_(DE) Disconnected
12.02 Game Ended - Time Limit

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